Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Finishing Line Is In Sight!

The countdown to the end of term is here, 
just about 3 weeks left & pretty much every day in the diary is full....
sports days, school trips, reports, teacher meetings.

Plus gifts to be bought, goodbyes to be said, homework to be finished....
almost there.
The pace is building, I am ticking my way through lists, ready for the final push.... 

At around this time, I inevitably feel that I cannot wait for the end of term to arrive....
on the other hand, that means another school year has flown by & I wonder where the time has gone. 

I've been quite honest that this school year has been a rather challenging one & in so many ways I will be more than happy to draw a line underneath it. 
I am ready to move on to better things in September....

I try to live in the moment but the nature of having children at school - and being a parent - is that you are always planning ahead....
for the week-end, next week, a party, a play-date, a test, you can't avoid it.

And, before you know it, the school year is over....
September seems so long ago but the time has passed

You almost don't notice your child growing each day....
but you look back at the photo you took on the first day of the school & you can see how much  they've matured & changed, sometimes by inches!

Some weeks you can't wait for Friday to get here....
but then you attend your 7 year old's school assembly and you want time to stand still forever.

"Don't wish the time away...." everyone says to you....
and you say it to other people too.
School days pass before you know it...
one minute they're at preschool & the next they're choosing a university....or so it seems.

Savour the moments, treasure them, remember them, hold on to them....